Okay, we are applying for medical card and we have been told that the insurance company requires a medical exam (usually paid by the insurance company). The exam typically consists of blood and urine samples, blood pressure readings, height and weight measurement and a medical questionnaire. Information from the medical exam will be used by the insurance company to help determine our health class. The health class the insurance company assigns us will determine our premium rates. So, it is very important that we get the best medical results.
The following tips are to help us attain the most favorable and accurate exam results:
- If we can, it's best to fast for a period of at least eight hours prior to the exam. This step will result in more accurate blood test results. Early morning appointments may be appropriate.
- If we must eat prior to the exam, no heavy meals and little or no caffeine on the morning of the exam. Decaffeinated coffee and a light breakfast would be best.
- Stay off salt for 3-4 days prior to exam. This step may have a beneficial effect on our blood pressure.
- No alcohol for 24 hours prior to the exam as alcohol tends to elevate blood pressure for 12 -24 hours.
- Get a good night's rest before the examination.
- If we smoke, don't smoke within 30 minutes of the exam. Smoking tends to constrict artery walls and elevate blood pressure.
- If we have an acute illness (i.e. the 'flu'), we should consider rescheduling the exam as some acute illnesses affect the urine and blood tests.
- (For female only) We should tell the examiner if we have our menses as our urine will be affected and a notation can be put on the lab slip.
Source: Modified from http://discussion.lifeinsure.com/